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Shake My Paw
Nickname: Kegan Home: Mom and Dad's Place Birthday: 27 June 2002 Breed: Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie)
Favorite Things Food: Mom's Homemade Dog FoodSnack: Ginger Snaps Activity: Daily Walk Toys: Kong, Golf Balls My Human
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Thursday, September 28, 2006 My Paws of Approval for Animal Planet's Hero of the Year As most of you have probably read by now, many in the animal community are appalled that Animal Planet would actually nominate a person that has admittedly broken the law as one of their heroes. As mom says, it just makes her job that much harder. Our hearts go out to Jake the dog, but we think he would have been best served if he would have been turned over and his owners punished if he was indeed abused. Just wanted to give you some information on one of the other candidates and the person I have choosen to support. This lady does good work and unlike, Tammy Grimes, she has not broken any laws or asked for media attention to do it. This really simply is a person doing acting on what is in their heart for animals and people alike and not what will put money in their wallet. As far as I can see, all the other people, with the exception of Grimes are as deserving of this award. Anneke is simply the person who I think is the most deserving in 2006. Please fell free to crosspost and share this information far and wide. Also, keep in mind that you can vote more than once and for more than one person. In the words of Chicago politics, "vote early, vote often". ![]() A Good Soul By Bill Forman Anneke Vos needs more time in the day so she can get around to writing her autobiography. Born to Dutch parents who sacrificed their lives on behalf of the Nazi resistance, she has been a journalist, stewardess, mother, art dealer and guardian angel to as many as 45 animals a day. At age 79, Vos devotes much of her energy these days to taking care of the animals at Sacramento’s Loaves & Fishes facility for the homeless. How did you first become involved with helping animals? I think I was born with the feeling that I wanted to have animals, and I wanted to take care of them. But it was about 15 years ago that I started at Loaves & Fishes. It was a place where the homeless could come and eat, and then I started to take care of their dogs. Before that, I would rescue them. If I found them, I would find homes for them. ... I had dogs and cats, goose and chicken, the whole deal. What was your first pet? I'm Dutch, so I lived in Holland. My father had five Danish bulldogs. And because I was little as a child, I could ride on their backs! We always had animals. Only, in the war, of course, there was no food. The only thing that was left was a cat, and there was no food because we had nothing. Can you tell me about your experience during the war? Well, that was very bad. We were occupied in Holland. My family was very much against the Nazis. They were in the resistance. So, they went to jail and were killed. It's difficult for me to talk about it. That's a very painful subject. You spent time in a camp? It's difficult for me to ... sometimes they say it's good for me to talk about it. But I have a sister in Holland, and for us, it's a taboo subject. Once in a while, we say something, and we both immediately know, and then we let it go because then it is difficult to go back with your life. Because there's no explanation for it. There was no explanation for all the horrible things and hatred that happened. It's not possible. You see it now again, of course. You see now how there's so much hate again. ... Everybody hates somebody. You were a reporter at one point? I took some courses in the history of art at the Sorbonne in Paris, but my father thought it was more for my entertainment, so he gave me two years, and then I had to come out. And then I became a reporter. But I was not cut out for it. I was very shy. And then I was a stewardess for 10 years, and then I married and came to America in '58. How has Sacramento changed since then? At that time, it was so small, and you could sit nowhere outside. It was forbidden to sit outside in a cafe; they never heard of it. Everything was dark inside. You would go somewhere--you had to feel around in order to find where you are. So, you prefer it now? Oh yes. Now it's more European, more cosmopolitan. It's the feeling of a big city. It's more alive. One of your colleagues told me about a dog named Tony who needs a home. Sometimes people go to jail for a long time, or God knows what happens in their life, but with Tony, the owner died. And the dogs, they don't go away. They stay close to their owner. So, he waited until the owner went away, and then he came to us. ... At Loaves & Fishes, we always need somebody for adoption or a foster home. Desperately. And the vet bills--last month they were $4,000! [Vos says people who want to know more about adopting pets or donating to Loaves & Fishes' animal-emergency fund can call her at (916) 925-0907.] So many animals, so many accidents. You know, the broken legs because of traffic, the glass, the fishhooks along the rivers that they have in their mouths and in their feet and everywhere, tumors. Spaying and neutering--that is our condition, that if you bring the dog to my kennel at Loaves & Fishes, I'll pay for it, but they have to be spayed and neutered. In taking care of their dogs, do you end up interacting with homeless a lot? Every day. They have to know you and to trust you. Talk about man’s best friend. Yeah, for the homeless, it is their family. And even though they can't take care of themselves most of the time, that is their family, that is who they talk to, their last resort. I have to tell you that, every day, something sad happens. Yesterday at the clinic, we had the saddest man. He is another homeless guy, and he was hiding between cars, but he wanted his dog to be seen. He is convinced that people are going to kill him. He was in full camouflage outfit with so much gear he looked like a pack mule. He'd hopped the freight train from Seattle with the dog. And he was paranoid with fear, but he wanted his little dog to be seen, so he was hiding behind cars. The saddest man. I think about him all the time now. ![]() Are all the animals you deal with benign? Yeah, sometimes people make them mean and very protective. But most of the time, they are all nice, sweet animals. They know you. They are not all sweet, but to me they are all good souls. Welfare of Our Furry Friends Vote for Anneke as AP's Hero of the Year
![]() Wednesday, September 27, 2006 The Saga of Sticky Paws This is not only funny--it shows how foolish people in the media can be! Seriously, is this really news in a place like LA? If this had been a Beagle would they have even called the cops? My mom brought home a shoplifting terrorist once, JR. He now lives with our good friend, Mark and his two boys in Texas, but the dog has a real problem with taking things. Mom was bringing him home from the shelter and he snatched a tennis ball at Petco. She looked down when they were checking out and he was just wagging his stubby little tail and looking all happy about his booty. I've never stole anything in my life, honest. Every one of those socks that disappeared were eatne by the washer. Pit Bull Involved in Shoplifting Case Woman, Teen And Pit Bull Accused Of Shoplifting (CBS) WHITTIER, Calif. A 37-year-old Whittier woman and a teenage boy were arrested by Whittier police for suspicion of shoplifting at a pet store, police said. The alleged shoplifting spree occurred at a Petco at 13420 Whittier Blvd. at 3:15 p.m., said Jason Zuhlke of the Whittier Police Department. Three people and the pit bull walked into the store and store management began monitoring them because it appeared the humans were about to do some shoplifting, Zuhlke said. In the midst of the alleged shoplifting spree, the teenage boy with the pit bull was confronted by the manager. The suspect threw a doggie ball at him and threatened him with bodily harm. The manager backed off as the trio made off with various merchandise, Zuhlke said. The pit bull was on its best behavior, not causing any problems, Zuhlke said. The manager observed the license plate number of the vehicle the suspects fled in and later a Whittier police sergeant tracked them down, Zuhlke said. Arrested were Michelle Lynn Kuegler and the teenage boy, who were taken into custody for suspicion of robbery, Zuhlke said. The pit bull (whose name was withheld) and a second juvenile were not arrested. The pit bull was reportedly cooperative at all times -- and it was determined the third member of the human trio was apparently not involved with the shoplifting, Zuhlke said. http://cbs2.... com/topstories/ local_story_ 269001858. html Labels: Fun Stuff
![]() Monday, September 25, 2006 Snif, Sniff, No Hero Found Here! My mom is angry. She's hopping mad that someone would choose to break the law verus helping and educating people versus just removing a dog from its home. She hates dogs on chains and she wouldn't even do that to one of the terrorists, but she can't expect lawmakers to take lawbreakers seriously when an animal advocate chooses that route, they loose her respect. She would encourage EVERYONE to write them a letter and let them know how very disappointing it is that this woman was chosen over other very honest, hardworking animal advocates in our communities. My mom's letter to Animal Planet: I'm appalled that Animal Planet would actually consider calling someone that has broken the law a hero. Those of us that advocate for the welfare of dogs know that we CAN NOT break laws, we must be above that, if we ever expect for laws to work in favor of responsible dog ownership. This behavior was not responsible and you can not sit and point fingers at lawbreakers and then ask that you be above the law. If this dog was indeed abused then it was up to the local humane society and the police department to do their jobs. Every day this looks more and more like something that Grimes set up fro the publicity and possibly for this award. Go to the Animal Planet site and you will see a picture of her and the dog, Jake. People that care about animals don't keep them alive for their own benefit and they most certainly do not ask those of us that do want criminals put behind bars to fund their misadventures. This woman has joined forces with the Animal Liberation Fund which is a very well-known AR group that has supported many domestic terrorism activities. The cause of Dogs Deserve Better at one point was pure; to take dogs off of chains 24 hours a day. Unfortunately, Grimes has tainted that cause and IMO, it will be impossible for any politician or legal representative to ever take her or any representatives of her group seriously. We can not bash PETA for their misuse of the media and laws and then support something like this. Luckily, there are those of us that are still sane and refuse to break laws to further our agendas, that's because we truly care about change. IMO, the only one that Grimes looks to benefit is herself. Over the past couple of weeks, I've read a lot of things about this story and I'm sure some of it is untrue and some of it true. One story I read was about a person that does rescue work who had two people try to remove her very elderly dog from her backyard for the exact same reason as Jake, she was old and arthritic. Her dog was in a fenced yard, sleeping in the sun and these people tried to take her dog. Would it have been okay for that to happen and her be accused of abuse? The facts as I know them are; we have neither heard or seen an actual vet in this case; the only video that has been produced are those taped by Grimes herself (ask anyone that knows just a little about video how easily they are manipulated); she refuses to even let a TV show that was helping her cause tape footage of the dog even though she would be protected under the confidentiality of a journalist to his source; every new update and email is about HER and HER legal battle, HER needs, etc.; there were no prior calls or record of abuse for this dog or these owners; and when contacted several months ago by someone needing money to build a fence, they were told that DDB did NOT have the funds to do it, yet, it is clearly stated here that that is something she has done in her community. This woman is an opportunist and she has used a dying old dog in his last days to do it and I find that utterly disgusting. If she would have removed the dog, had him vetted and allowed AC and the police along with a vet decide abuse, I could have respect for that. I don't in any way like that this dog or any of the other dogs that belonged to these people were on chains. However, would it not have been in the best interest to all to educate them on a better way to confine the family pets and offer to help versus simply taking a pet from its home and calling it justice? Sorry for the long rant, but when I saw this I about fell off my chair. There are so many great people out their that work tons and tons of hours honestly and they expect nothing in return. They are the ones that are heros, not Tammy Grimes. Even though I never watch AP, I plan to write to them and let them know that if this what they consider a hero, then they really do need to stop calling themselves educational. I would hate to think that this woman would win this award and countless children would view this as the right thing to do. ~Marla DDB Founder Top Ten Finalist in the Animal Planet Hero of the Year Award Tipton, PA, U.S. September 25, 2006: Dogs Deserve Better Founder Top Ten Finalist for Animal Planet Hero of the Year Award Tammy Grimes Nominated for "Changing the Lives of Many Animals and Families" through her Efforts for the Nation's Chained/Penned Dogs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TO THE PRESS Tipton, PA—Tammy Grimes, founder of Dogs Deserve Better, has been chosen as a Top Ten Finalist in the Animal Planet Hero of the Year Contest. The winning nomination came from Autumn Temple of Altoona, PA, a Dogs Deserve Better supporter and local hero in her own right through her work with the area's families and children. Autumn's winning nomination states, "Tammy dedicates so many hours to Dogs Deserve Better that this organization is her life. Dogs Deserve Better pays for fencing for those who want to unchain their animals and allow them freedom. Tammy is also a perpetual foster mom to unwanted dogs, until she can find them a home. Tammy’s home should be considered the dogs’ home as she has installed a number of doggy doors, and has fenced the yard. Her home is very much the place for animals. From July 1 - July 15, Tammy successfully held Dogs Deserve Better’s first annual “Chain Off Contest” to raise awareness for chained dogs. Eleven contestants were chained to doghouses and the one who lasted the longest won a new Chevy Aveo. As a result of the contest, the runner-up of the contest immediately went home and unchained his dog. Dogs Deserves Better is now working with the dog and its guardian to create an animal-friendly environment. Tammy Grimes has inspired so many others that she now has Dogs Deserve Better representatives in 37 states, plus Puerto Rico and Canada. Tammy also involves youth in the advocacy of animals as junior representatives for the organization. Tammy’s efforts have changed the lives of many animals and families." If Grimes wins, Dogs Deserve Better will receive a $10,000 donation to further it's efforts for chained and penned dogs. To vote, click on the photo above, or go to http://animal.discovery.com/convergence/hero_of_the_year/poll/poll.html. Dogs Deserve Better is a 501c3 nonprofit organization headquartered in Tipton, Pennsylvania, is the 2003 First Place Winner of the ASPCA Pet Protector Award, and currently has 150 area reps in 37 states as well as in Canada and Australia. About Dogs Deserve Better Dogs Deserve Better works to bring dogs out of the backyard and into the home and family. Labels: Animal Welfare, Politics
![]() Thursday, September 21, 2006 Help Save Rocky--Stop BSLegislation This family is a victim of BSL and people everywhere need to be aware of their pain and their legal battle to bring this dog home safely. As they stated, they are NOT the only ones having to put up with this garbage, but they are doing what they can to help themselves, others like them and those that could potentially still fall victim to BSLegislation! Please spread the word to help my pal, Rocky. His family needs him home TODAY! ![]() Help Save Rocky We are a family that is currently under the judicial system of Overland Park, Kansas. Two years and five months ago, I lost my 24 year old daughter in a needless automobile accident outside of St. Louis. She was 8 months pregnant and forty-five minutes away from her baby shower, she lived here in Kansas City. I lost Erin and my first grandson. I am sure you remember, it was such a tragedy that the St. Louis Post Dispatch and The Kansas City Star both published this horrible story. This loss of my precious Erin and Clayton paralyzed my family and me. I couldn’t work, talk, think and just about lost my will to live. Not too long after the loss of Erin and Clayton, my younger daughter Emily rescued a dog name Rocky and brought him to us on April 11, 2004, Erin’s birthday. She would have been 25 years old. Her birthday would have been on Easter Sunday. Emily brought Rocky down to our home in Overland Park. The last thing I wanted was a dog and I didn’t want anything to do with him. I could barely take care of myself, needless to say a dog. But Rocky wasn’t just any dog, he is a Labrador-American Bull Terrier,(his generic label is pit bull mix). I spent about 1 hour alone in the back yard with him and even as an active 2 year old, he was very sensitive and seemed like he knew something very sad had happened. He made me laugh, something I didn’t imagine would ever happen again. Rocky did not know it, but I was the one being rescued! As time goes on he is strength to the whole family, sometimes for a second, he would make me smile over something silly he would do or when we were sad he came up and laid on our laps giving us licks, telling us he knew what happened and didn’t want us to be sad. I found out later, before the accident, Erin talked to Emily and told her to bring Rocky to our home in Overland Park. Rocky is our therapist for our family; he has given us a new hope on life! Believe me, the grief process will be there forever, everyday Rocky makes it a little easier. No one knows the pain this senseless ban is causing me and my family the one happiness that we have. The City of Overland Park, Kansas is taking our happiness away out of pure ignorance, a lack of compassion and someone’s political ambition. Rocky has been living with us in Round Hill for 2 ½ years. He is more than just a dog, he gives us love when we need it the most. He has a keen sense of intuition and emotion. He is more than just a dog, he’s Rocky. He is healing to our family that no one will ever replace. It is a long hard journey and we need Rocky to helps us through. The City of Overland Park is trying to take this gift that Erin was instrumental in giving to us and minimizing his importance, is an insult, upon injury. He has never hurt anyone or another dog. I know there are many stories of men, women, children and their therapy pets and they are all just as significant as my story. As for our story we live everyday as all of you may, from the morning when we wake up and think of Erin and Clayton our day goes on but it is at night that we walk Rocky, there is a sense of peace and reflection. Regrettably, the lack of education, political ambition and misguidance of our city officials all us, our families, friends that have these types of dogs are suffering and continue to pay the consequences. We are paying the price of mishandle and abuse dogs at hands of the people that this band won’t stop! If you would like to donate by mail, please make checks payable to: Labels: Animal Welfare, BSL, Legislation
![]() Tuesday, September 19, 2006 "Just a Dog" ![]() by Richard Biby, Contributing Editor Broken Arrow, Oklahoma From time to time, people tell me, "lighten up, it's just a dog," or, "that's a lot of money for just a dog." They don't understand the distance traveled, the time spent, or the costs involved for "just a dog." Some of my proudest moments have come about with "just a dog." AP Photo from Hurricane Katrina 2005 Many hours have passed and my only company was "just a dog," but I did not once feel slighted. Some of my saddest moments have been brought about by "just a dog," and in those days of darkness, the gentle touch of "just a dog" gave me comfort and reason to overcome the day. If you, too, think it's "just a dog," then you will probably understand phases like "just a friend," "just a sunrise," or "just a promise." "Just a dog" brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy. "Just a dog" brings out the compassion and patience that make me a better person. Because of "just a dog" I will rise early, take long walks and look longingly to the future. So for me and folks like me, it's not "just a dog" but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment. "Just a dog" brings out what's good in me and diverts my thoughts away from myself and the worries of the day. I hope that someday they can understand that it's not "just a dog" but the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being "just a man." So the next time you hear the phrase "just a dog." just smile, because they "just don't understand." Roca (C) 2006 Versatile Hunting Dog Magazine, February 2006
![]() Monday, September 18, 2006 My Sister the Swimmer! ![]() Piper, my terrorist sister loves to swim. Personally, I only think water is good straight from the door on the fridge for drinking. Water used any other way is way too similar to that thing humans call grooming--talk about torture, EEEEEK! Labels: Fun Stuff
![]() Wednesday, September 13, 2006 Ontario Shelter Gives Pups a Chance ![]() Interesting story out of Ontario about several PB pups that were pulled from a home and have been raised awaiting their fate in a shelter. Luckily, they are being taken by American rescues and will have a chance at good homes, but some people in Ontario aren't too happy about that and my mom just had to respond. She says unless Ontario reverses BSL, it won't be someplace we will ever visit. I hope these little guys find good homes in safe and SMART communities that won't label them "bad dogs" just for being born. Can't Support Relocation of PB Pups to the States Labels: Animal Welfare, BSL, Legislation, Politics
![]() Tuesday, September 12, 2006 Well, Duh Granted, a Havanese is not the sharpest pencil in the box (jk), but it deosn't mean the little guy can't express his feelings. Have humans ever considered that we just don't talk cause we get a kick out of watching people try to figure out what's on our minds? Barbara Walters claims dog talked to her'View' host says Havanese dog Cha-Cha said 'I love you' NEW YORK - Has Barbara Walters lost it? Some of her co-hosts on "The View" may think so after her claim today about her Havanese dog Cha-Cha. Walters says when she told Cha-Cha she loved her, Cha-Cha said "I love you" back. You can imagine the reaction from her co-hosts. Walters said it looked like Joy Behar was about to "throw up." Rosie O'Donnell joked that Walters was going to pull a Tom Cruise and jump on the couch screaming "I love Cha-Cha! I love Cha-Cha!" Walters says she's going to bring the woman who was with her at the time on the show to back up her story. ©2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. Labels: Fun Stuff
![]() Monday, September 11, 2006 We Will Never Forget I wasn't even alive on 9/11. I came along almost one year later, but i've seen the videos and I've heard the stories. These slideshows and report are a tribute to the dogs and workers that gave everything they had in the days after this tragedy. Just as we must never forget those that gave all on 9/11...so too we must never stop honoring those that gave 101% in service to their country. "If these dogs only knew what a difference they make. Certainly, there's nothing that can replace the precision of a dog's nose—and absolutely nothing that can replace a dog's heart." — Bob Sessions, rescue worker, Federal Emergency Management Agency ![]() (Photo: Sep 15, 2001, AP / U.S. Navy, P. Keres) Over 250 canine search and rescue dogs worked around the clock at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon after the September 11th terrorist attacks. These heroes worked without the benefit of gas masks and protective clothing. They climbed and searched places considered to dangerous for humans. This photo tribute is in their honor in recognition of their bravery and heroic efforts. America Canine Search and Rescue - September 11, 2001 Tribute From For Pits Sake: ![]() Today we mark the five year anniversary of the terrorist attacks on America. Time goes by, but memories stay forever. We lost family, friends, co-workers, and thousands of people that we never met. Every person who lost their life that day was somebody's loved one, and the wave of America's grief and loss was felt all over the world. One-year-old "Porkchop" gets some kind reassurance from partner Erick Robertson of Oakhurst, California. SAR dogs— especially those trained to find living people—feel increased stress and depression as time passes with no survivors found. (Photo: Sep 19, 2001, AP / Suzanne Plunkett) To this day, the events of September 11, 2001, still bring intense hurt and sadness to many people. But the message of September 11th is not only ofhurt, sadness, and loss. September 11th also speaks of courage, determination and perseverance. The 9/11 tragedy resulted in the largest search and rescue (SAR) K9 deployment/response in the history of the United States. People all across the world were touched by the images of hundreds of SAR dogs and their handlers painstakingly combing the ruins searching for survivors, and later, the remains of the lost. While viewing this Tribute to SAR Dogs, remember that although it seemed like the world stopped on September 11, 2001...it did not. As the eyes of the world watched hundreds of SAR dogs and their handlers searching at the WTC and the Pentagon; all over our country children were still missing, elderly people suffering from Alzheimer's disease were still wandering off, hikers were still getting lost, and people were still drowning. Hundreds of SAR dogs were searching there too, searching their communities to bring the lost or the missing home to their families and loved ones. Whether they were at the WTC or searching our own neighborhoods, these hard working dogs provide joy and also closure to thousands of families and will go on, for as long as they can, searching to find loved ones lost or missing in our communities. All of our nation's SAR dogs are heroes...and someday one could be your HERO!! I Can Be Your Hero Labels: Tribute
![]() Friday, September 08, 2006 I Thought God Didn't Make Mistakes? My mom told the terrorists and me that God doesn't make mistakes. She said some dogs might not be as smart or as good-looking as me, but that they were all God's creations and deserved love and happiness. I don't understand why some people want to be mean to their dogs and why some communities want some of my canine cousins kicked out, killed, chained, and muzzled when they have done nothing wrong. I found some great videos done by someone that LOVES ALL DOGS and not just those that fit in celebrity purses, do tricks on TV, win popularity contests or have good reputations. Please check out the video and the site where the pictures came from and if you fear that you too may become an outcast, PLEASE help support dog lovers nationwide in their fight to BAN BSL! SorryAgain.com God Help The Outcasts Version 2.0 Labels: Animal Welfare, BSL, Legislation, UTube
![]() Thursday, September 07, 2006 RIP Mate The crocs aren't the only ones shedding tears over the loss of this remarkable man and animal lover. He gave us all a greater appreciation for the strange, the unusual, the often ugly and the misunderstood. Steve Irwin saw beauty when no one one else could. It's only fitting that as this one blogger pointed out, that Steve and all of his precious animals, including his beloved Sui now reside at Rainbow Bridge. ![]() An Interesting Day at the Rainbow Bridge Written by drharper on LiveJournal Rainbow Bridge is a place of both peace and anticipation as departed pets await their beloved owners. There are plenty of things to keep them contented while they wait: trees you can't get stuck in, endless meadows, splashing streams, thickets perfect to hide in for pounce-attack games. But one day the residents noticed some rather...unusual newcomers arrive. The koalas and the kangaroos slipped in rather quietly, but then came the bearded dragons, the skinks and the goannas. The influx of snakes startled an entire family of cats up a tree. Pythons, cobras, tiger snakes, brown snakes and even fierce snakes. There were so many at one point, it seemed the ground itself was alive with writhing. A burly wombat shouldered his way through the crowd and plopped down in a shady spot, barely missing a Jack Russell terrier who yapped indignantly as he abandoned his position. And then the crocodiles showed up. Finally, a Great Dane managed to get up enough nerve to approach one of the reptilian giants. "Um....excuse me," he said hesitantly. "But, why are you all here?" The croc dropped her jaw and laughed. "Same as you, mate," she said. "Waitin' for someone who loved us." The dogs, cats, gerbils and other "typical pets" looked at each other in confusion, then at the plethora of weird, ugly and downright deadly creatures assembled. Who on Earth could possibly love some of those faces? "I see him!" shouted a green mamba from his vantage point in one of the trees. A cacophony of squeeks, hisses, bellows and roars erupted as the mob surged forward toward a lone human walking across the field toward the bridge. The other animals managed to catch a glimpse of him before he was overwhelmed by the crowd. "CRIKEY!" he shouted joyously right before he was bowled over by the wombat. "Well I'll be," said a Persian as she tidied up her fur. "It's that Aussie my human liked to watch on TV. Had to be the craziest human on the whole planet." "Oh, please," remarked a echidna as he hurried by. "Is it really that crazy to passionately love something God made?" "No, it's not," they heard a voice say from their crowd. "You see, I, too, was with him, at his side, as he caught the crocs, the snakes, and the spiders and spoke on the importance they have in life. For you see, I am his mate, his dog Sui. To you ordinary animals he may seem crazy, but to me he is simply known as a Best Friend." And with that comment, as the animals looked on with surprise, she ran barking, clearing a path to him, and jumped in his arms, licking his face as he cried, "Sui, my mate, my friend. How I've missed you so." And with that, they all crossed the Rainbow Bridge together. Labels: Tribute
![]() Sunday, September 03, 2006 Shelter Animals Not enough can ever be said about taking responsiblity for that which we tamed. In Hope: An Animal Shelter Story As a nation, we claim to love cats and dogs. Millions of households have pets, and billions of dollars are spent yearly on pet supplies and food. But as a nation, we should take a hard, sobering look at a different annual statistic: the millions of dogs and cats given up to shelters or left to die on the streets. And the numbers tell only half the story. Click link to watch video: Brightlion | In Hope - English Labels: Animal Welfare, Rescue
![]() Saturday, September 02, 2006 Persecuted This video should be a must see for ANYONE that thinks BSL is the answer. Labels: Animal Welfare, BSL, Legislation
![]() Friday, September 01, 2006 Isn't it GRRRRREAT? I can't believe it has been soooo long since I last got the chance to sneak into mom's office and use the computer. As you can see on the left hand side of the page, lots has happened in this dog's life since the last time I wrote in the blog. I've now got a brother and two sisters. We have moved away from Chicago--mom says this is a very bad thing and I now have my own backyard--hey, mom what's so bad again? Oh yeah, my dog house has landed smack dab in the middle of a bunch of BSL hysteria. Mom calls is BSLegislation. It's mostly people that my mom calls counciljerks wanting to throw some of my pit bull friends out of our communities. That makes me very sad and mom says we have to fight because she doesn't want them to come for me or one of the "terrorists" next. I can't imagine how anyone could think that this face is evil: ![]() In any case, over the next few days I'll be posting about my mom's fight against BSL in our community. I promise it won't be all bad news, I'll try and throw you a positive bone or two as well. Labels: Fun Stuff |
A dog is not 'almost human,' and I know of no greater insult to the canine race than to describe it as such. ~John Holmes |